PHI: Challenges and innovation within the University

PHI: Challenges and innovation within the University


Sebastián Marín Herrera

PHI aims to solve challenges that provide added value to the organization and
simultaneously, the participating students will receive a training and certification
process. The research area of the CEIPA Business School published a video in 2016,
presented by the leader of the PHI program where a story is told that says: "PHI is like
a university hospital, which has the physical space, students as practitioners and
doctors as instructors in charge; PHI would function in the same way, CEIPA would be
the physical space used, the students would be the Junior Consultants and the Senior
Consultants as the Doctors experts. The video explains that just as in university
hospitals they treat diseases, PHI’s ailments would be the remains that exist within
each of the areas of the organization that generate problems and its solution involve
efficiency and innovation, in this case the main focus of PHI are the universities.


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